Diet HELP!

So I have been on a "diet" for a month or so now and I am really starting to feel good and shed some pounds.  I really just want to be healthier and feel better, fitting into a smaller size and liking the way I look is just a major bonus!  I have always been a pretty healthy eater I just never counted calories or paid too much attention to how many calories I was consuming in a day.  I truly believe that limiting your calories and exercising is the only way to lose weight, with that said I would never sign up for a diet that wouldn't let you eat a banana or any other fruit or vegetable.  I enjoy eating things like  fruits, veggies, beans, fish, grains and nuts.  I am trying more and more to eat food as close to its natural form as I can.  I haven't convinced Justin yet but all in good time.  I am not fully converted myself so I figure we both have work to do!

I am NO expert but I thought I would share some resources that have helped me!   Great tips, reciepes and items you can find at your super market.  This is a nutricional cleansing program that I have been working into my diet, LOVE it!  Shakes are great!  really got me started!  This is Jessica Seinfeld's book about adding purees to the foods you cook.  I don't want to sneak things but I love the recipes!  Mckmama has some wonderful "I hate to cook recipe ideas"!! Great cocktail recipes!



3 little snaps said...

This is another one I look at a lot. It has links to a ton of other useful sites. Some recipes..lots of coupons and money saving ideas!

3 little snaps said...

duh it would help if I put the site...

Abby said...

Great tips Stace. I enjoyed reading them while I eat my morning PopTarts.

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