What if the three wise men were women?
They would have asked directions
Arrived on time
Helped deliver the baby
Cleaned the stable
Made a casserole
Brought practical gifts, and there would be peace on earth."
Also here is a little preview of the birthday bash! More to come!!
I am having problems with the layout of my blog as you have probably noticed so I am not blogging too much! My wonderful hubby bought me a new blog design and I am just waiting, I have a month or so to go on the waiting list at http://www.onceuponablog.org/ . YEAH! Once I get my new design and everything fixed I will be back in full force! I hope you will stick around my 12 followers!!
Merry Almost Christmas!!
LOL! Cute take on the wisemen.
I so want a new blog design. I hope it all goes well for you.
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